Age: 43 years old
- Country: Canada
- Orientation: Heterosexual
- Status: Married
- Languages: French, English
- Libido: Very high
- Social: Difficult first contact
- Self-confidence: Excellent and developing
- Very very curious +++
- Exhibitionist
- I like creating scenarios
- Dominant in my time
- Penetration: vaginal and anal
- Soft bdsm
- Being dominated on occasion
- Sapiosexual

I love my
Sexual questionnaires
Receive. In the past it was not my favorite activity. Let's just say it really depends on who's in charge. Today I can say that I love it.
Give. Phew... I could spend the day tasting my wife's pussy.
Once again this is no longer really of interest today. The images and sensations collected in our events are a thousand times better than any porn film. Women with pretty curves are what I liked the most in the past.
On me, not really. However, I love using them on my wife or watching her have fun with them. It's a very exciting feeling.
No but I'm not uncomfortable touching them either.
Yes but I was very, very poorly received...
I don't have any preferences. As long as seduction, charm, desire and respect are present.
I find my wife so wonderful, beautiful and sexy every day. Watching her seduce another man, seeing her face light up and feeling her freedom in her actions are reasons enough to live this sexual experience. Exploring and discovering this universe with her, I love that.
Yes I appreciate it but it’s not yet very clear in my head. There are scenes like The Dark Room where I went absolutely crazy. The famous Will too (story to come) who still gives me chills thinking about it. There are others with whom the little something was missing, which makes me appreciate his adventures less. However, I love the intensity, the surprises of the moment, the connections and the fear which becomes a great source of adrenaline and therefore extreme excitement too.
I would especially say that my wife has bright eyes for the chosen person and that she feels desire. Seduction is always key on both sides. The person must be seduced by her and seduce her in turn for the magic to work...
I don't consider myself a super seducer but I love touching, intense looks and complimenting my wife every day. When I'm well dressed, I smell good and my wife has difficulty leaving my clothes on, I love it!
Not an easy question. I would say the cage where I tied my wife's wrists with my shirt and her dress. It was super sexy. About twenty people were watching us and a man joined me in pleasuring my wife from behind. This place remains particularly exciting even to this day. (story to come)
Will. He is a regular at libertine clubs, well equipped, durable, his skin is ultra soft. My wife made him melt and he asks for more when we meet him. It was the strongest sexual connection I saw with my eyes. There will probably be a story or two about him soon.
I'm not ready to let her go alone for a long time and maybe I never will be so yes I want to be there. There was one evening when we were in a libertine club, I let my wife go up to the second floor alone with a man. It was the first time. The fear was really there and the excitement too. I finally went up to observe them discreetly. I didn't regret it at all.
My activities xxx
- Visite de 2 nouveaux clubs libertin
- Attacher ma femme dans une cage (histoire à venir)
- Première fois avec un autre couple
- Rencontre du fameux Will
- Observer ma femme de l'extérieur de la pièce pendant qu'elle s'amuse avec un autre homme
- Regarder et participer à prendre ma femme à trois hommes. Will était là 😉
- Faire l'amour à ma femme
- Rêver à nos expériences en club
- Chat occasionnel et lecture de blogues
- Putin de Covid
- Voyage au soleil et une soirée qui va initier la suite
- J'avoue à ma femme mon envie de la partager sexuellement avec d'autres hommes
- Victoria adhère à mon idée. Mon dieu que j'aime cette femme!
- Début des règles, limites et questionnement des fantasmes de chacun
- Phase d'exploration
- Début de chat sexy avec l'ancien amant de Victoria avec photo cochonne...
- Malheureusement aucune rencontre avec l'amant malgré que je lui ai donné mon accord (je ne comprendrai jamais cet homme!)
- On regarde un reportage sur un club libertin. WOW ça existe ce genre d'endroit.
- Visite de notre premier club libertin
- Faire l'amour pour la première fois devant public, dans une salle à massage d'un club libertin
- Découverte d'une application de rencontre xxx
- Chat avec beaucoup beaucoup d'hommes
- Sélection d'un homme pour aller à l'hôtel malheureusement la soirée nous laissé un goût amer
- Première fois que je partage ma femme avec un autre homme et que nous la prenons à deux
- Retour dans le club libertin pour explorer davantage. Fini la perte de temps avec l'application
- Aventure dans un lit avec ma femme entouré de 10 hommes qui la touchent délicatement
- Party du jour de l'an
- Danse avec un couple langoureusement
- La chambre noire